Foundational Principles

1. Scope

The UNDPAD Push Coalition was formed to drive Federal Budget 2019 commitments in order to address historic and systemic issues facing our Black communities, thereby improving the condition of Black people living and working in Canada. For this reason, our initiatives are national in scope and focused on capacity building within our communites versus individualized client service delivery.


2. Orientation (Results)

a) We are action-oriented with the intention to create measurable generational results.
b) We are proactive, responsive and not exclusively reactive.
c) We are risk takers.
d) Amplify and scale what is already working by build on existing successes and not reinventing the wheel
e) Purpose and Goal is to generate opportunities for African Canadians – inform and create policy.
f) We promote economic opportunity/development.
g) Money as a tool, not an end – we seek community interest first, caring for one another is foundational to community growth sustainability.
h) We seek to support initiatives that value, support and promote strong African family development that is inclusive of all the diversity in our communities.
i) Diversity and Inclusion are foundational goals.
j) For the next 5 years we will focus primarily on the priority issues related to the UN Decade for People of African Descent and work to ensure that commitments made in relation to such are put into action and fulfilled.


3. Approach (How We Work Together)

a) Work in a collective spirit – inclusivity, collaboration underpins our approach to decision making and leadership.
b) Intergenerational co-creation will guide our work.
c) Operate from the philosophy of Ubuntu – My success is your success. Your success is my success.
d) We are open to hear and learn from each other.
e) We rely on the ancestral wisdom and respect the legacy and achievements of those who came before us.
f) Positive: Be willing to sign on to a behavioural and leadership pledge.
g) Rational Leadership – succession planning is a key feature of our design.


4. Our Voice (Unity & Non-partisanship)

a) Speak with a unified voice – national, consistent and clear.
b) We are politically neutral – non partisan.


5. Solidarity

We are allies with the First Nations people of Canada.