30 May An Online conversation with Matthew Green
The UNDPAD Push Coalition in partnership with Dr. Vibe is holding an online conversation with Matthew Green, the Federal New Democratic Party Member of Parliament, regarding the recent announcement of the $25M in funding for Black / People of African Descent from the 2018 budget. These funds were originally earmarked to help the community and build our capacity to be prepared for times such as this; 2 years later, the people in need are still waiting. Please note, the $25 M is not in any way related to the COVID 19 Emergency response. To date, no Emergency funding has been earmarked specifically for Black communities as has been done for other groups during this pandemic. This despite the heavy toll COVID 19 has taken on our African, Caribbean and Black communities in communities across Canada over these past few months.
Given the events in Toronto and south of the border, it is even more imperative to be part of conversations that lead to the betterment of Black lives now and for generations to come. You will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Please email info@undpadpush.com for ZOOM meeting information.
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